Saturday, March 31, 2012

Birth Story & Pictures

I am being frank when I say that this pregnancy experience with Eli was terrible. Awful. Miserable. Throughout all 40 weeks he was always healthy but I, on the other hand, was in pretty bad shape. I was physically deteriorating and had to be placed on bed rest in December because my body was showing early signs of labor. The physical breakdown led to a mental breakdown, as I was pretty much locked in the apartment 24/7, in my bed or in the couch. No sunlight, no interaction, nothing. I was an extreme mess for many months and though I knew Eli had to stay in my tummy until at least 38 weeks, I could not WAIT for it to be over as soon as possible.
In France, you're only seen once a month during your third trimester leading up to the due date as opposed to twice a month to once a week visits in the US. I never liked the idea because of my situation and would take a trip to the hospital anytime something just didn't feel right. During my 36th week, something just did not feel right so I had Hilton take me to the hospital for a quick check up. Sure enough, I was dilated at 2 cm and was told that the baby could come that night or the next day! I went home and stayed glued in the bed, not moving unless I had to pee, which was about every five minutes. Hilton's mom flew out within the next two days just in case. Once she arrived, the contractions slowed down significantly and once my mom arrived, the storm calmed.
Once 38 weeks came I was REAAADDDYY!! But guess what happened? The contractions almost came to a complete halt! What??? Alllll this time my body was ready to eject (lol) Eli and now when the time was appropriate it just wanted to go dormant on me? Well, I decided to walk as much as I could bear though not much because of Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction and my beat up back. I mean, you name it and I suffered from it!
By the time I hit 39 weeks I was crying, "Come out, Eli!! I can't take it anymore!" I was SO testy and ill-tempered. Everything made me either snap or cry. I thought I'd never have this baby and the unbearable pain and discomfort would never end. Every time contractions would come I'd time then and they would always be inconsistent and false!
On Sunday, March 25th, my contractions were coming about every 10-12 minutes. I wasn't really pressed at all because I figured it was just going to be another false alarm and it would take some Hollywood version of labor for me to know that it was time. My midwife who comes to the house to check up on me just so happened to text me that day and ask how everything was. I gave her the contraction update and she told me to go to the hospital. I just said, "haha, ok", with no enthusiasm whatsoever because if Eli wasn't crowning I just wasn't going to be convinced that he'd ever come!
I told Hilton that I wanted to go in and he was just as skeptical but we went anyways. I mean, better to be safe than sorry and besides, what's another false alarm, right??
So, off we went at 8 something that evening. I was examined and was told that I was still at 2 cm. "Here we go again...", I thought to myself. They ended up monitoring me for contractions and his heart rate and gave me anti-spasm medication that would slow the contractions if they were indeed false. After the monitoring and the medication, the contractions remained the same. I was told to go walk around for an hour and if there was a change 'down there' then, voila! So, Hilton and I went outside the hospital into the night to walk around. An hour later and I was dilated to 3-4 cm!!!! Hilton and I were SO elated! I was in labor the whole time and had no idea!!
Asked if I wanted an epidural, I said I'd wait and see. The midwife told me that I needed to quickly make  up my mind because generally, second births happen fast! So I said, yes please!
After three hours of labor and 5-6 minutes of pushing----pause-----the epidural prevented me from feeling  the contractions in my abdomen but did NOTHING in the way of me feeling him on my sacrum and coccyx. OMGGGGGGG. I could feel him descend and no matter how many times I frantically pushed the epidural button for more meds, it just grew worse with each contraction!! So yes, I felt him slowly and tortuously descend and exit. But it only lasted a brief moment and once they placed him on my chest, I realized that the 40 agonizing weeks were worth every brain response to the pain I endured.

Click on the pix to make them bigger!

37 weeks

38 weeks

Movie date with my hottie

Lyon behind us

The grandmothers!

Playing tunes at 39 weeks

Four days before birth

A few minutes before Hilton and I left for the hospital. How happy do I look?


My beautiful babies :)


Hilton's mommy

Just a few hours old

My mommy

I can't believe she's a big sister!

First family of four picture!!

Proud dad with his son :)

The four of us again but look at how time stands still and focuses on our children

Friday, March 30, 2012

Unto Us A Child Is Born!!!

Welcome Eli Washington Armstrong!!!

He was born on his due date on March 26 at 2:22 am. He weighed 8 lbs 11 oz and measured 21 1/4 inches long. He is perfectly healthy!! I am so thankful to God for the following:

  • My mom and MIL are both here.
  • Hilton didn't have to travel and was able to witness his son's birth and be with me from the beginning to the end.
  • God answered my prayers and kept Eli in for 40 weeks, though I suffered tremendously.
  • EJ absolutely loves her Baby Eli and wants to bring him to school with her :)

I truly believe Eli and EJ resemble each other, the only difference being EJ was obviously a bit more plump and her hair was denser and curlier than his. Take a look! Can you guess who's who?:

This is all I can manage to post right now as recovery sucks but stay tuned for more pictures this weekend! (hopefully lol)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Great news!

1) The little one has not yet been borne.

2) My mother's short stay visa will *God willing* finally be approved on Monday which means she'll be here SOON!

3) Hilton's mom is flying in today!!

4) We all will get more help and Hilton will no longer have to run around playing House Dad and his injured knee will finally be able to heal quickly!!

We've made it this far and God is GOOD!!