Friday, November 11, 2011

France and Their Holidays!!! ARGH!

Roughly two weeks ago marked France's Toussaint (All Saints Day) holiday. I THOUGHT EJ was only going to be out of school for one week but clearly I didn't read her school calendar properly. So, the Monday I thought she was to return to school, we stepped out on quiet, empty streets like silly people. How embarrassing! I went home, carefully reread her calendar only to find out that she'd be home with me for yet ANOTHER week!! There was one day out of the two week school holiday where France actually celebrated Toussaint and on that day, everyyyythingggg was closed. Everything.
Now, I really think pregnancy brain is taking over and here's one of the many reasons why. Earlier in the week, EJ's school gave me a permission slip to sign authorizing them to snap pictures for photo day. I could have sworn the teacher said Friday, as in today Friday. I signed the form and again, could have sworn the paper read Friday. So, last night I stayed up late braiding her hair starting from the back working my way up until I got to the front and just got lazy because she was exhausted and my back was giving in. I had her picture day outfit prepped and ready for today. I went to bed at 1 am (EJ, 10:30 pm), got up at 7:30 am (you call that rest for a pregnant mama?!) and EJ and I stormed out the door for school only to see the following...yet again!!
I mean, really?! The eerie silence and childless streets indicated that something was amiss. A few yards ahead I spotted a man walking down the sidewalk on the opposite side of me so EJ and I ran up to him and I begged him to confirm my suspicions and what on earth the French were celebrating AGAIN!

A day that remembers the injured and deceased in WW1 and other wars and another day when everyyyyyything is closed. At least most establishments are still open on Veteran's Day! *sigh* If there's a parade nearby I'll probably take EJ but I was really hoping to be able to catch up on much needed sleep while she's at school.


1 comment:

  1. Hey girlllll! Wow the holidays over there do sound wild...haha bet EJ loved two weeks off of school with mommy though :)

    I want to see pregnancy belly pics though, thanks!!!
