Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Very...errr....Unusual Day

Early this morning, EJ and I took a journey to a nearby town for my 5th month pregnancy check up. We arrived a few minutes late because of parking issues, but that was quickly resolved once I pulled up alongside a tree. In the US I would've most likely gotten a ticket but out here I've seen cars parked on sidewalks, tree branches, etc with no parking tickets.
Anyway, I made my way to the secretary's desk to sign in. She asked me basic information including my 'jeune-fille'. Now, since I've been here, I've always been asked that when registering for things. I've always thought they were asking me the name of my daughter lol since 'jeune fille' literally means young girl/young daughter. What it really means is maiden name! HAHAHAH So all this time I've been giving EJ's name for my maiden name. It's already confusing that we have the same name. Ah well, I've learned something new today. That's not all I've learned today...
After registering, I headed upstairs as directed to the Dr's office. Now, we all know that in the US when we see the Dr's name on the door, we open it and expect to see a sign in desk and a waiting room, right? Out here, c'est pas comme รงa. There's the Dr's office and then there's the waiting room that is not attached to the office. I mean, depending on the building, they will have their office and waiting room set up like we're used to in the US but typically for hospital settings, no. How'd I find out?

*clears throat*

With EJ in hand, we walked down the hall way looking at door after door for my doc's name. When I finally found it, I opened the door and to my absolute HORROR, there was a GYNO exam in PROGRESS!!! The patient was facing the door which means EJ and I saw E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. The excruciating moment lasted only a few seconds as I yelled, "Pardon! Pardon! Pardon!" and quickly closed the door. *cringes* Of course, the waiting room came after the office. I've certainly learned.
When it was my turn to be seen I told the doc how sorry I was and she laughed and said, "C'est pas grave!" (don't worry about it, not that serious! Back home I would've been arrested I'm sure LOL!) The visit went extremely well. Our baby boy is big (surprise surprise) and is healthy. She did tell me that I'm at risk for gestational diabetes due to what was in some of my lab work so for now, I need to take precaution. WHAT?!? There are just too many pastry shops and goodies around to be told to hold off. But....I must *clenches teeth*. There was no english during the visit. She didn't speak it and I didn't need her to! She spoke pretty fast but somehow I didn't need her to slow down. My french medical vocab is steadily growing as was noted by the doc who did my 22 week ultrasound yesterday. We were talking about the baby's healthy four chambered heart, his rapidly developing brain with the anatomy being just as it should, his abdomen, everything...all in french.

On my way home, I got pulled over because I went through a yellow light. You're supposed to stop. I always thought that if it was safe to go through then you could. Running the red light should only warrant flashing lights, right? Anyway, my first encounter with french police was smooth. The cop spoke extremely fast and I asked him once if he could slow down. He checked out my license, car papers, explained that out here this is what the yellow light means, asked about Hilton (we drive a car sponsored by the team and unfortunately there are giant signs broadcasted on the car) and Tony Parker, told me that I have a beautiful daughter and stopped traffic for me so that I could get back on the road. Sweet! No ticket :)

Today was long and eventful and now I'm pooped and ready for a nap. Tomorrow is Hilton's birthday (!!!) and he also comes home from....Bulgaria.

Friday, November 11, 2011

France and Their Holidays!!! ARGH!

Roughly two weeks ago marked France's Toussaint (All Saints Day) holiday. I THOUGHT EJ was only going to be out of school for one week but clearly I didn't read her school calendar properly. So, the Monday I thought she was to return to school, we stepped out on quiet, empty streets like silly people. How embarrassing! I went home, carefully reread her calendar only to find out that she'd be home with me for yet ANOTHER week!! There was one day out of the two week school holiday where France actually celebrated Toussaint and on that day, everyyyythingggg was closed. Everything.
Now, I really think pregnancy brain is taking over and here's one of the many reasons why. Earlier in the week, EJ's school gave me a permission slip to sign authorizing them to snap pictures for photo day. I could have sworn the teacher said Friday, as in today Friday. I signed the form and again, could have sworn the paper read Friday. So, last night I stayed up late braiding her hair starting from the back working my way up until I got to the front and just got lazy because she was exhausted and my back was giving in. I had her picture day outfit prepped and ready for today. I went to bed at 1 am (EJ, 10:30 pm), got up at 7:30 am (you call that rest for a pregnant mama?!) and EJ and I stormed out the door for school only to see the following...yet again!!
I mean, really?! The eerie silence and childless streets indicated that something was amiss. A few yards ahead I spotted a man walking down the sidewalk on the opposite side of me so EJ and I ran up to him and I begged him to confirm my suspicions and what on earth the French were celebrating AGAIN!

A day that remembers the injured and deceased in WW1 and other wars and another day when everyyyyyything is closed. At least most establishments are still open on Veteran's Day! *sigh* If there's a parade nearby I'll probably take EJ but I was really hoping to be able to catch up on much needed sleep while she's at school.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

TRES chic!

Viens manger avec nous!

A few nights ago, we were invited to dinner by this awesome lady who works for the team. She's the one with the two boys that EJ adores. Hilton couldn't make it because he was in too much pain from his little surgery. When EJ and I arrived to their house, they were ready to EAT! I filled my face with toasted bread with black olive spread and this other spread that was made out of mayonnaise, garlic and some other ingredients that I don't recall but it was divine! Then we ate some salad that consisted of chicory, apple slices and cheese! It was topped off with a delicious sauce with ingredients that, again, I can't remember!
Next came...*starts drooling*...curried chicken casserole with rice. I had to pace myself as I could feel my stomach preparing to burst but I was not going to stop. The food was SO good. They served red wine with dinner and their children had a taste. They didn't drink a glass! I was intrigued because all my life I had been told that the French serve wine to their kids! This family said they will let them drink a little bit of champagne (which was served as well) and only taste wine for educational purposes. They just want to teach them about wine and open their senses which I think is so amazing. So, after our meal, we were served dessert and that concluded my gluttony LOL! It was an incredible night filled with french language, french food and, of course, french wine.

...No, I didn't drink the wine!

Pregnant in France...update

I am 20 weeks along and at my halfway point! The thought is scary and exciting at the same time. The baby has been fine and I've been surviving but getting used to and understanding the french way of prenatal care is so nerve racking!
Once you are pregnant, you must declare your pregnancy to the country before 12 or 14 weeks (I've gotten varied info). After France confirms your information and pregnancy, you fill out paperwork for the C.A.F. and C.P.A.M. who pretty much deal with prenatal reimbursement, etc etc...a whole bunch that I still haven't fully grasped. Anyway, you find yourself a doctor or sage femme (midwife) and proceed with your prenatal care. You have to make sure that you carry your Carte Vital with you at all times (health insurance card). We still haven't officially received ours and have a temporary number instead. So, what I usually do is pay for my visits and then send in a form for reimbursement. *whew* You must also find a hospital and register with them for your third trimester visits and delivery. You then select ANOTHER doctor/midwife and...voila.
I am switching doctors right now because the one I was seeing is just too out there for me and seems to be misinforming me. I'm not totally pleased with the prenatal 'care' I was receiving from her so thank God I've been pregnant before and have access to the internet!! I also have help from the team's doctor so I'm ok for now. I've been getting regular check ups and will be getting my 5th month checkup from a new doctor this month. So, starting January, I will have to go to the hospital for my third trimester visits up until my delivery. That means I will have seen 3 doctors by then!! Oh well.
The biggest concern that we have right now is what the pregnancy will be like as I near the end while having to take care of EJ alone. Not only that, but what will happen if I go into labor alone with EJ while he's on the road?! Never a dull moment!