Wednesday, August 24, 2011


1) Getting EJ on France's schedule is proving to be very, very difficult.
2) What was before considered as normal hunger pangs every so often has now turned into a ravenous desire to EAT anything and everything around me EVERY HOUR!!! I've even eaten stale bread (expired August 6) with butter *lowers head in shame* Going food shopping today, though.
3) Did I mention I can't stop eating?
4) I'm waiting for Hilton to teach me how to drive manual. I'll report back on any extensive car or people damage.

That's all for now. I'm exhausted!!


  1. I remember in Israel I was constantly going to the cupboards looking in them for if something really good would just appear!!! I think sometimes I would get so bored waiting for Adam to get home, all I wanted to do was EAT!!! :)

  2. lol that's what I do all the time! searching the cupboards...and it's so sad. I don't remember being this hungry when I was pregnant with EJ.
